Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Liberation & Pride!

This past weekend ushered in my unemployment and coincided -- not unintentionally -- with Gay Pride in the city. You can see me and my friend Erin at the Pride Parade on Sunday. (You would think we would have both worn something a little more festive than black, but at least Erin had a flag and I was wearing my uber-cute Mudflap Boy t-shirt (

I was extraordinarily impressed with my stamina -- I stood watching the parade for over 4.5 hours, then barhopped through Chelsea on my way to the Pier Dance, then hiked up to Washington Heights for a nightcap at No Parking. Most of the time I was on my own, but kept running into friends and acquaintainces along the way and had a great time.

Here are some of the highlights of the parade:

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