Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tepuys! Tepuys! Tepuys!

On Tuesday, December 5, I flew from Canaima to Santa Elena over Canaima National Park. Because I’m so cool, I had my own private plane – just me and the pilot! The flight was 90 minutes of nature at its unadulterated best, including countless waterfalls – any one of which would easily dwarf Niagara – and dozens of tepuys, the flat-topped mountains this region is known for. Here are some snapshots taken from the window of my tiny Cessna,

Canaima Airport

My plane

Plenty of room to stretch out!

Some of the incredible landscape of Canaima National Park



Tepuys everywhere

Lonely tepuy

What’s that white mark across my forehead?


Once I arrived in Santa Elena, I made arrangements to join a 6-day trek to the top of the most famous tepuy in this region, Mount Roraima, leaving the next morning…

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Hello? where are the pics of the hot venuzuelan men? oh, and the vistas are fab :)